Mbiabet Esieyere is an off-grid agrarian community within Ini LGA in Akwa-Ibom State, the major source of electricity in this community was petrol generators, and then kerosene lamps for lighting at night. Prado Power is solving this problem by deploying a 20kW Solar PV Mini-Grid and an Agro-processing hub facility to provide electricity in community as well as process their farm produce which will increase the income of residents while reducing post-harvest losses. Collaborating with the Community members to develop energy-efficient productive uses of electricity in order to maximize the economic benefits of this project.
The Mbaibet Esieyere houses a 20kw solar hybrid mini-grid plant located in Ini LGA in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. It has 180 Household connections and an agrohub consisting of over 5 equipment for agricultural processing including graters, millers, and cold storage.