The three parts of the process are outlined below:


In this phase, we conduct a full assessment/audit to enable us design appropriate energy models that will fit project needs.


Elements in the Engineering stage include:

  • Technical evaluation
  • DC engineering
  • AC engineering
  • Storage scaling
  • Grid integration and interconnection
  • Cost analysis
  • Return analysis
  • Project management


This is the phase where the various equipment and components which have been thrown up in the design are purchased. Efforts are made at this stage to ensure what is purchased is of good quality, balanced against the budget.


Elements in the Engineering stage include:

  • Procurement of equipment
  • Selecting subcontractors
  • Insurances
  • Guarantee management
  • Cost analysis
  • Logistics
  • Project management


At this point, equipment has arrived and the putting together of components and integration of the systems can take place. This has to be done very carefully as inadequate installations can result in major problems.


The process involves:

  • Coordination and supervision of the construction process
  • Interconnection
  • Risk management
  • Quality control
  • Project management